The Father Says Today: September 4th, 2023

The Father says today, I am actively working in your life to remove the obstacles that have confined you and hindered your growth. My desire is to see you thrive and experience the fullness of all My blessings that the Cross (and not your religious striving) have afforded you. As you surrender to My guidance, I am expanding your heart and awakening your spirit to new levels of understanding and revelation. With this spiritual awakening, a sense of anticipation and excitement will fill your being. You will eagerly proclaim that the limitations that once held you back no longer have any power over you. In this newfound freedom, you will boldly step into the fullness of who you were created to be. This day I renew your vision and grace you in such a way that you will confidently speak out the peace that comes from following the tug of My Spirit upon your heart My guidance imparted to you in the still seasons of the night. You will witness a beautiful alignment between your words and My divine plan as you continually express and affirm My direction in your life. This alignment will empower and enable the manifestation of My work in your life, bringing joy and fulfillment beyond measure.

The more you vocalize your faith and trust in Me, the stronger your connection will become. Your faith will soar to new heights, surpassing any measure you’ve ever known. This profound peace that envelops you is a clear sign that I AM leading and guiding you through My Holy Spirit. You no longer need to be burdened by the expectations of others or the need to please them. Instead, your focus will be on pleasing your Heavenly Father, finding true satisfaction in My approval alone. As you take each step in obedience to Me, you will experience My abundant blessings. Your paths will be illuminated, and you will bring great delight to My heart as you enter into a vibrant, intimate relationship that I is unveiling specifically for you. Your life will become a testimony of My goodness and grace, a living example of what it means to walk in divine guidance. Embrace this journey with an open heart and a willingness to surrender to My plans. You are on the brink of something extraordinary. My love and guidance will lead you to a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. Trust in Me, for I is faithful to complete the work I have started in you.

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