The Father Says Today: September 3rd, 2023

The Father says today, put your trust in my divine judgments. When you approach Me with reverence, you need not be afraid of my judgments. I will not abandon you to the mercy of those who oppress you. I will shield you from those who aim to destroy your life, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. Those who persecute you and act against your best interests do not hold the power to determine your future. For your sake, I willingly embraced the suffering of the cross, liberating you from the unpredictable nature of a fallen world controlled by flawed individuals. I am your defender, your well-wisher, and your guardian. Face this day without fear, knowing that I am your ultimate security. My word and the promises it carries serve as the endorsement for all your aspirations and dreams.

While others may endure shattered hopes and crushed dreams, your experience will not mirror theirs. I am a trustworthy God. As you align every aspect of your life with my divine purpose, you will witness a transformation in your surroundings. Your life will adopt the essence of heaven manifesting on earth. This possibility is within your reach; do not allow anyone, even those who claim to speak on my behalf, to dissuade you from embracing my benevolence.  Remember, if the words spoken do not reflect my goodness, they do not originate from Me. Stand firm in your belief in my goodness, dismissing any contrary opinions. Trust that my plan for your life is rooted in love and divine intention.

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