The Father Says Today: September 30th, 2023

The Father says today, I am bringing about beauty, wisdom, understanding, dominion, and authority on the inside of you in a conspicuous way. These are the gifts, and gifting, and yes, giftings that I have put within you, and I want you to know how to use them to live your highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. I am beautifying your countenance with My glory. This means that I am making you more and more like Me, both inside and out. As you spend time with Me and receive My love, your face will begin to glow with a radiance that comes from within. I am also releasing the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Understanding to you. I am allowing you to see things from My perspective and make sound decisions. Use this wisdom to lead a life that is pleasing to Me and to help others in need. Now is the release of a new and increased dominion and authority flowing out of you against the enemy. This means that you have the power to resist the devil and to speak My word with confidence. Use this power to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm. This is a season to sit at My feet and learn of Me. This means spending time in prayer, Bible study, and allowing Me to speak to your heart. As you learn more about Me, your faith will grow stronger, and you will be able to walk in victory. There is now a release in you of the mantle of heavenly dominion and authority that will shift, change, and transform those things in the earth with such a broad scope you will be shocked at what I do in answer to your petition.

Supercharge the Activation of this Word in Your Life by an Act of Faith – Today!

This means that I am empowering you to live a life that is marked by power and impact. I want you to use this mantle to advance My kingdom and to make a difference in the world. There is a nobility on the inside of you, My child. You are not ordinary. You are a favored one in My kingdom. I have placed a crown of glory on your head, and I want you to wear it with confidence.  I am activating the rule of My Spirit within you, My child. I am empowering you to live a life that is governed by My principles and values. As you walk in obedience to My will, you will experience My favor and blessing. This anointing and this authority will cause you to speak a word in season. You will speak My word at the appointed time, and it will go out and change that which needs to be changed and break every yoke of bondage. I have extended to you Edenic authority. This means you have the power to speak the word that expels the enemy and establishes righteousness in your life and those around you. I have placed you in your life, even as I placed Adam in the garden. I placed the first couple in the garden to tend and to keep it. When the enemy raises its head, understand that the angels with the flaming swords are there not to expel you – they are on hand to destroy the work of the evil one and implement the entitlements that were ratified on the cross on your behalf through the shed blood of Calvary. You are going to look at the things that don’t belong in your life, that don’t belong in your family, and you will call on the angels with the voice of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, and you will prophesy over your family and over your home to command deliverance. Rise up today, My child, into your blood-bought portion, mantle, and deliverance. Set aside every besetting sin and distraction, for this is the day that the bars are cut asunder, and the gates open up, and victory is declared in your land.

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