The Father Says Today: September 2nd, 2023

The Father says today; I am bringing you out of a season of sporadic results in prayer to a track of continuous blessing and favor upon your life that will insult the gainsayer and confound those who don’t see you as I see you. My favor and benediction were never intended to be sporadic or fleeting occurrences. When Jesus paid the price on Calvary, it was to bring you into an everlasting abundance and blessing. In the dark domain, everything tends to decay, but in My kingdom, every aspect of your life tends towards blessings. You have been rescued from the grip of darkness and ushered into the kingdom of light. Embrace your identity as children of the light. What does that mean? It means walking in anticipation, expecting things to go well for a change. Anticipate every situation, relationship, and transaction in your life to be filled with victory, blessing, and benefit. This may go against what you’ve been taught, but it’s time to discard those weak teachings, contaminated messages, music lyrics, and books filled with doubt masquerading as piety.

I have not destined you for wrath or failure. You are more than a conqueror because the Greater One resides within you. No longer should you rely on coping strategies. The abundant life that Jesus paid for on your behalf is not merely coping but confidently walking into the fulfillment of your hopes and desires. This is your inheritance. This is My blessing laid up for you in ages past that you might, in this moment, step boldly forward into a new experience in Me. Step into it, align your heart with it, and you will witness the long-awaited manifestation of your desires. The things your eyes have yearned for over the years will finally come to fruition. Open your heart to My continuous and overflowing blessings, and watch as your life blossoms in the fullness of My grace.

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