The Father Says Today: September 2nd, 2012

The Father says today that you have the heart of a builder. Yet understand that I am building Myself INTO you much more extensively than you will ever build anything in My name. That which I have called you to do must be an outworking and an expression of who I am on the inside of you.
So get ready for Me to bring in the earth moving equipment of heaven and begin excavating a deep foundation in your life. I am pouring a foundation that will withstand the challenges and provocations of the enemy. I am installing the laugh of faith in your heart that will disdain the mocker and the railers who despise My name.
I am God after all and I can do anything I want any time I want and I don’t have to check with anyone. I don’t need a building permit to build Myself into you says the Father. I simply need a willing and an obedient heart that will yield to the fullness of what I have purposed to do.

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Other Comments

  • Russel and Kitty,
    Thank you for being such obedient, fluent vessels of the Lord, to faithfully pour out His word on a daily basis. We have personally been “tracking” with every word that has been coming forth lately. Today’s word was an answer to an inquiry, as we are a house church meeting in a home, and have been praying about is it time to move to a building. The Father says above,”I don’t need a building permit to build Myself into you”. HO HO HA HA!!!! He doesn’t need a building to continue building us!!!! An answer in due season!
    Abundant Blessings of His Never Ending Grace!
    Loralee Douglass
    A Word in Season Ministries International, Inc./His Fish Tank

  • Amen and Amen! Thank you Father for this word, I receive it now in Jesus name! Praise God!