The Father Says Today: September 29th, 2023

The Father says today, you have crossed the threshold into a new season! I am bringing you out today. Out of limitation. Out of restriction. Into a new place of latitude and indulgence. I am not a stingy God; I am an indulgent God, and I am indulging you in blessing and unconditional favor. You haven’t earned it, and it’s not based on your worth or moral excellence. I’m blessing you because I love you. Change is at hand, and change (repentance) only genuinely comes about through my goodness. I am a good God. I am all-knowing. Nothing about your life, even in secret, escapes my scrutiny, yet I love you still, and I’m sweeping away the refuse of bad decisions and steps stumbled in darkness. I am bringing you out into My glorious light and deliverance. I am moving toward you with outstretched hands and a loving heart to take you to myself so that you might be changed and brought more perfectly into my image. As I bring you forth, you are going to know that I am a God with a sense of humor. I will cause you to laugh. I will fill your mouth with laughter.

I invented laughter and mirth and joy. Those who think being somber and sober is the only way to reflect spirituality are wrong. Laughingly wrong. They have me all wrong. I invented light-heartedness. I declare over you this day, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” If what is going on around you isn’t “yoke easy, burden light,” then it isn’t the assignment I chose for you! I will not relent, says God. I am not willing for you to move forward without rest, without joy, and without life that only I can give! Your testimony in the midst of My greatness will be, “It can’t be that easy, can it?” Yes, beloved, it is that easy to get along with me. Those who portray me otherwise are misinformed. Receive the yoke easy and the burden light. Even this day, I restore your joy and fill your mouth with laughter. Change is coming into your life and will be a change for the better. Repentance is not about punishment or condemnation. It is about turning away from the things that are holding you back and turning towards me, the source of all good things.

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