The Father Says Today – September 26th, 2024

The Father says today I am mighty to save. Remember this truth, for it is the cornerstone of your faith and the foundation of your hope. No matter how entrenched in their rebellion or hardened in their defiance others may seem, do not despair. I, your God, possess the power and the wisdom to transform even the most stubborn hearts. You are not a passive observer in the theater of life, subject to the whims and choices of those around you. I hold the reins of history and can reshape the landscape of any life according to My sovereign will. I will intervene in the lives of those who have caused you pain, those you have interceded for in prayer, those you long to see reconciled to Me. I will orchestrate a divine turnaround, bringing salvation, blessing, and transformation to their lives. Prepare to be astonished. Witness with your own eyes the softening of hearts once thought to be impenetrable. Watch as those who seemed impervious to your pleas and deaf to your entreaties turn towards Me in repentance. You will marvel at their changed demeanor, their newfound hunger for My Word, their eagerness to embrace the Cross. Do not be surprised when those you have prayed for begin to express sentiments that echo the very prayers you have lifted up on their behalf. Even when their faces were turned away from you, their hearts were not entirely closed. The seeds of your prayers took root in the hidden places of their souls, and in My perfect timing, they will blossom into a harvest of repentance and faith.

Your prayers will not fail. Every tear you have shed, every fervent plea you have uttered, every desperate groan you have breathed in their name has been heard and recorded in heaven. Not one word has fallen to the ground unheeded. The answers to your prayers may not always come in the manner or timeframe you expect, but they will come. I am faithful to My promises, and I will honor the cries of My children. Continue to pray without ceasing. Do not grow weary or lose heart. Your prayers are a powerful force in the spiritual realm, capable of moving mountains and toppling strongholds. They are a fragrant offering to Me, a sweet incense that rises before My throne. Remember that I am not only mighty to save, but I am also patient and long-suffering. I do not delight in the destruction of the wicked but desire that all should come to repentance. Continue to intercede for those who are lost, trusting that I am at work even when you cannot see it. Be encouraged, My child. The day of salvation is coming for those you love. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, and you will witness the miraculous power of My grace at work in their lives. I am the God of the impossible, and nothing is too difficult for Me. Hold fast to My promises. Cling to My Word. Trust in My faithfulness. Your prayers will not fail.

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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Other Comments

  • Julie J Suffel says:

    YES, AMEN!!!!! I’m claiming this over my Dad, and the rest of my family members who aren’t following God for their life, and who don’t know Jesus!