The Father Says Today: September 21st, 2012

The Father says today I am sheltering you with My life and I am covering you with My love. I am your covering. When storms threaten and the elements crash down all around you I am your safety and security. In nothing shall you fear. Though you see others suffering from exposure to the environment around them know that you are sheltered in My pavilion and in nothing shall you be harmed or damaged in any way.
Don’t allow others to tinker with or meddle with who I am in your life says the Father. They will see My life over you and say “Let me help you with that ….” Just tell them “thanks but no thanks.”  I am your sufficiency and no man or doctrine or system can improve upon who I am in your life. I am your validation and security says the Father. Align yourself with My heart today and not the thinking of men who are convinced that what they are offering you is the prerequisite for walking in My kingdom.
I am blowing by My wind on all the false coverings and concepts of men that have sought to attach themselves to My exclusive place in your life. They are the friends of the bridegroom only. The bride chamber is not their purview and they have no place or part in what transpires between you and I there. As Boaz cast his mantle over Ruth I have covered you with Myself and will gather you to My bosom and commune with you there. In that shelter and in that security will you know perfect peace and complete safety from all that rages and threatens and rains down around you.

Daily Prophetic Word Partnership

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