The Father Says Today: September 1st, 2023

The Father says today that the commendation of heaven is upon you. You have been robbed in times past. You have been taken advantage of. But you didn’t (as others suggested) shake your fist toward heaven as though it were My fault. You remembered My promises. You were in the heat of battle and chose to hold on to My word. There is a commendation for you, beloved. Your commitment and integrity toward My word did not escape My attention. I saw you in the midnight hour when you called upon Me out of the pit of difficulty. Know this – I heard you, and your salvation is assured!

As you walked with Me in the difficult time, so walk with Me this day. We will step it out together as companions and friends. I call you My friend. Your faith has garnered to your life not just My Lordship but My friendship. It will be said of you as it was said of Abraham of old – “this person was the friend of God…” Others may simper and pretentiously boast of their deep spiritual experiences – but your relationship with Me is based upon the simple reality of your faith and your expectation of My faithfulness on your behalf. You are so ahead of the game when it comes to dead religious profession. You chose life and not pretense. You looked to Me in the difficult time, and beloved, you will not be disappointed.

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