The Father Says Today: September 1st, 2012

The Father says today that the spiritual geography of your life is changing. I am elevating your life to a new elevation. I am bringing you to the rarified atmosphere of My Spirit says the Father. As never before you are going to have the opportunity to think My thoughts and connect with My heart.
Be an imitator of My heart and My mind says the Father. Think like I think. Respond as I respond. Make your petitions. Declare with audacity. Laugh at the adversary for he is powerless to deter what I have determined in your life.
Let your words smite the enemy and see him turn and flee. Resist! Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. The weapons of your warfare are not natural. Don’t rely on the wrath of Man. Rather release the wrath of My heart and know that I will bring vengeance on the thief and he will be made to repay you in surplus for all he has robbed you of.

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