The Father says today that by the stripes of Jesus you WERE healed. There is no other redemptive reality where your health is concerned. Your life is in My hands. Your health was on My mind when I bowed upon the stake and took stripes for every malady and infirmity that you would face in your lifetime. Your healing is a past tense provision. I do not make up My mind on a case by case basis whether to heal or not to heal. The same stroke that provided salvation provides for your healing this day. Did I not say “whosoever will”? If as deceived minds suggest I am not willing to heal ALL then their logic would suggest I am not willing to save all. This is a lie from the bowels of hell says the Father. Listen to My voice and not the voice of bitter experience. You are either going to adhere and embrace My word or believe the lie that experience and disappointment in these areas might suggest.
Reach out to Me in your suffering. Come to Me in times when you are attacked in your body. Healing is your provision. Healing is your past provision. Healing in your body was paid for on the cross. I paid the price and there are no convoluted religious conditions that must be met before you experience your miracle. I met the conditions for your healing upon the cross. Tell your mind and those thoughts of unbelief to be silenced and come simply and expectantly to My presence expecting to be delivered, and expecting for healing to be your portion. You will not be shut out says the Father. Reach out as the woman with the issue of blood and touch the hem of My presence that rests upon you now. I am not respecter of persons but I am a respecter of faith. Your faith will do what it can do and My presence will do what My presence can do and your situation will be reversed and healing will be your portion.
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Julie Hitchens says:
Thank you Jesus
Kimberly Smith says:
Missy we were talking about this just this week! Johnathan you were talking about this last night on Periscope.
Lorraine Villegas says:
Thank you Jesus!
Linda Chaffin says:
Piper Henry says:
Yes and Amen I receive your word of healing today Lord.. and in my families life’s too. Bless Be your holy name
Shawn Davenport says:
Amen! Hallelujah!
Marcel says:
Yes Lord, I believe! 😀
Cydney Varela says:
Thank you Jesus, for healing in my feet, and for my daughters health and salvation, in Jesus name amen
Steven Trinh says:
Pier D'Elia says:
Amen !!!
Gwen Skyles Steen says: