The Father Says Today: September 16th, 2023

The Father says today those out there in the world kill time, but I call on you to redeem time. Yes, the days are evil but am I not the God of the day (and of the night?). Others are pushing the panic button, and you are looking to Me for direction. Trust in my perfect timing. Rest assured that I am always punctual. I will never be late in showing up in your circumstances and situations. Understand that I am not working according to some hidden agenda that you cannot comprehend, or that disregards your needs. I am fully aware that you desire me to act swiftly, bringing relief and change to your current situation. However, it is important that you exercise patience, for it is through patience that you will find strength and peace. I want you to know that the timing of what comes next is negotiable. As Abraham and Jacob and even Isaac negotiated with Me even so I am prepared to step up the pace of what you are expecting, or slow it down or stop it altogether. Or, if you have the faith for it – to have a “suddenly at land” experience as My disciples did when I stepped into their boat. The things you are praying for can be brought about sooner rather than later. We can expedite the deliverance, but it may involve some trials and challenges along the way. It is through much tribulation that one enters the kingdom. Are you willing to endure greater pressure in order to achieve quicker results?

Beloved, take your desires to me in prayer, my child. Rest assured that I am not oblivious to your pain or distant from your struggles. Do not believe the lie that I am indifferent to what you are going through. I am intimately acquainted with every aspect of your life. This is the profound lesson and message of the cross. I understand and empathize with your weaknesses and infirmities. During my time on earth, I, too, faced temptations in every area that you do, yet I remained without sin. Be encouraged, therefore; to pray for whatever you desire without reservation. There is a type of prayer that can be like a blank check but do not fear that I will not answer. Rather, be prepared for the consequences of my response. Some answers to prayer may bring a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. Instead, believe and expect my blessings that make you rich in every way, without any sorrow attached. I am not a harsh and stern taskmaster. You do not need to overcome any reluctance on my part to act in your life because I have none. The ache in your heart is a prophecy over your life. Your role is to be honest with yourself and transparent before me as I guide you towards your purpose in my kingdom. Take comfort in my loving guidance, my child, and continue to place your trust in my perfect timing. I will never fail you, and together we will bring about the fulfillment of your destiny.

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