The Father Says Today: September 14th, 2023

The Father says today it is not good to be alone; therefore, you will not be alone. You haven’t always felt that way because of wounds and scars from the past, but beloved, do not let your relationship track record speak louder in your life than the promise of My word. In life, we don’t always get to choose the people who come into our lives. Sometimes, I bring certain individuals into your life for their own growth and benefit, other times for your own benefit. Then there are those mutual relationships that are meant to be lasting and nurturing your whole life long. In those relationships, your role is to be a source of solutions, not problems. People may push your buttons or challenge you, but I encourage you to respond consistently and joyfully with love and compassion. In My word, I decreed that I would send forth deliverers from Zion. This means that at times, you will be the one receiving blessings and deliverance, while at other times, you will be the one providing it in my name. It’s not unusual for people to look up to you and expect something from you, so don’t be surprised by this. Let your heart be filled with the attitude of “Rise, take up your bed, and walk!”

Your purpose in life should be to bless others consistently. However, it’s important to establish healthy boundaries as well. Not everyone in your life will possess the maturity and civility to avoid taking unfair advantage of you. Love them unconditionally, but do not allow them to dictate the terms on which they relate to you. There may be relationships where you need to set boundaries because the other party won’t do so themselves. When others disrespect your boundaries, they become an unhealthy influence in your life, and it’s essential to address that. Continue to walk in love and exercise patience towards those still learning the lessons you’ve already learned or are currently learning. Be generous and kind to them, but also provide them with limits. This season of growth demands that you strike a balance between giving love and setting boundaries. Remember, my child, that I am always with you on this journey. Seek my guidance and wisdom as you navigate these relationships, and I will provide you with the strength and discernment you need. Together, we will navigate the joys and challenges that come with being a source of blessings to others.

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