The Father Says Today – September 10th, 2023

The Father says today I am the God who never planted anything in a row. I take delight in surprising you with what I have in store. It brings honor to Me when I conceal things for you to discover, just as it brings honor to kings when they uncover hidden treasures. You hold a special position in My heart as both a king and a priest unto Me. Though you are a servant of Christ, know that you have the authority and power to overcome the enemy’s schemes. Know this, my child, I am breaking any false authority that seeks to hold you back. Those who have told you that you have no choice are mistaken, for where humans restrict you, I am waiting there for you. I call upon you not to wait for My glory but to actively walk in it. My glory resides within you, yearning to burst forth. Embrace this divine birthing process and let it shine through you. As you enter a room, declare within yourself, “I release the glory here.” You will witness inexplicable and remarkable events unfold before your eyes.

As My glory flows through you, people may suddenly leave a room, or strangers may approach you, just as Philip did with the Ethiopian eunuch. You have experienced darkness, but I assure you, I am using you as a vessel to illuminate the lives of those who are lost. I have chosen you for this purpose. You have a specific calling that lies right before you. Be prepared to take action. I am pouring into you now, equipping you to pour out onto others who are desperately searching for light in their own darkness. Remember, my beloved child, you are called to be a beacon of light in the midst of darkness. Although you may find yourself in desolate places, know that I am always with you and will never abandon you. Trust in Me and step boldly into your calling, for I have chosen you to bring salvation and hope to those who seem beyond saving.

Now – Sow Into this Word and Activate Your Faith to See it Come to Pass in Your Life!

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