The Father Says Today: September 10th, 2012

The Father says today that your greatest weakness is also your greatest strength in Me. human frailty and failing in your life does not disqualify you from your destiny. Did I not say in My word that I choose the base things and the weak things of the world to confound the things that are high and lofty. Relax says the Father you qualify for greatness.
You qualify because of your weakness and not in spite of it. You qualify because of your base nature and not what you would consider your strengths. You are the raw material out of which I subdue kingdoms, wreak righteousness and put down all rule and all authority. Does that explain to you the pressure you have been feeling?
I am making up My jewels says the Father. Precious stones are formed through heat and pressure. Trust Me for the process and know the outcome will be an adornment of grace and blessing in your life.

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  • Thank You Father for understanding my Frailty. Only keep me from the whispers of the enemy who takes opportunity at my failings

  • wow! THANK YOU FATHER!! I so needed to know this, I receive it, I embrace this word in my heart! I’ve been feeling so down because of my weakness and my failures, I was so afraid oh having messed it all up, of having spoiled your perfect plan…. now I know that I am not disqualified for my destiny and that I qualify for greatnes!!! 😀 Thank You Dad for your forgiveness and your second canches!!!… Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within. <3