The Father Says Today: October 7th, 2023

The Father says today, I am not upset with you, and I am not punishing you. Sometimes, in the midst of delays and challenges, it can be easy to believe that I have abandoned us or that I am not interested in our prayers. But I want to remind you that I am always with you, never leaving or forsaking you. You’ve wondered how long things will continue and held Me responsible, but I have no plan to keep you in a difficult place or a wilderness experience any longer than necessary. Are you ready to step out and put your trust in Me? If you do, I will take control and guide your life. It’s important to remember that you are defined by what and who I say you are, not by your past or what others may say about you. You are not defined by your mistakes or the negative opinions of others. Listen to My voice and repent quickly when you are found in the wrong. As you step out in obedience and move forward, doing what I instruct, you will begin to see the things you have longed for become a reality. I have a plan for your life, a life worth living that I have specifically chosen for you. And it’s not just a partial package, but a complete and abundant one.

Be assured that I will not play games with you, dangling potential blessings in front of you only to withhold them. Instead, I set a table of blessings before you, a feast just waiting for you to partake in. However, there are three things you must do daily: seek to understand what these things are, observe and do what I am doing, and let go of any preconceived opinions about the consequences. Obedience and faithfulness will lead to fulfilling My promises in your life. Above all, know that He loves you deeply, and I desire to bless you. My love for you is unconditional, regardless of your mistakes. I long to forgive you and offer you a fresh start. My plan is good and filled with purpose, and I will always be by your side, even during the toughest times. Place your trust in Me, take the risk you’ve been avoiding, and step out in faith. Embrace My plan for your life, knowing that He wants to bless you abundantly, even though you don’t have all the details. Let go of any guilt or fear; instead, hold on to My love and faithfulness. I am waiting for you to take that leap of faith and experience My goodness in a profound way.

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