The Father Says Today: October 8th, 2023

The Father says today, of the increase of My governance in your heart and in your life, there will be no end until you come to your blessing place in full maturity before My throne. This is a season of growing and maturing in your faith, navigating difficult people and situations coming out of timidity, and stepping into radical risk to pursue My values and My purpose for your life. As you know, I am a God of growth, increase, and manifest glory in, on, and around you. My divine, incorruptible seed is on the inside of you, gestating, breaking ground, and producing fruit, for I created all things to grow and multiply, and I desire the same for you. Not all those you have surrounded yourself with are conducive to spiritual growth. Love them. Bless them, but make it a specific choice to hold your time valuable and your spiritual environment sacrosanct. Surround yourself with anointed leadership. Go out and find someone walking in a level of anointing, glory, and breakthrough that you don’t have. Get in their life and sit at their feet. What their actions, listen to their words. Align yourself with them and invest your time, energy, and resources to gain access, for with access comes the elements of influence that will, in time, bring you to a total breakthrough.

Don’t expect it to be easy. When you are around people who are walking in the truth and living a life of obedience to God, you will be challenged and encouraged to grow in your own walk. How many hours are you willing to sacrifice? How many miles are you willing to drive? What are the things, people, and situations in your own life you are willing to sacrifice and step away from to find the secret place where My wisdom and anointing saturate you and change you from the inside out? Spend time in My word. It is full of wisdom and truth that can help you grow in your knowledge of the Holy and knowledge of My ways. As you study My word, be sure to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you are reading and apply it to your life. Finally, you can grow in your faith by serving others. What you make happen for others, I will make happen for you. I’ve told you and told you and told you, and now is your moment to step into the role of service and giving that will defeat all the doubts and harassment the enemy piled on you when you were wallowing in self-pity. Give Me what you have. Your gifts, talents, and abilities. Be like the little boy who gave Me his lunch, and I fed thousands. Are you ready to participate in that dynamic? When you use your gifts and talents to serve others, you demonstrate your love for God and His people. Serving others is also a great way to grow your humility and learn more about God’s love for you.

As you grow and mature in your faith, I want you to also take leadership over those around you in need. Many people in the world are lost and hurting, and they need your help. Be a light to the world and share My love with everyone you meet. Pray for your friends, family, and neighbors. Ask God to bless them and help them in their time of need. As Job of old, I will turn your captivity when you pray for the needs of those around you.  Volunteer your time helping people in need. Allow no excuses to keep you from becoming broken bread to those in need and hurting. Give financially into the kingdom. Don’t fall for the lie that says “I’m short on money, I will give of My time….” Doesn’t My word say that the SEED IS IN ITSELF? If you want corn, you don’t plant wheat. If you want money, you plant and sow money. Generosity is MY love language; let generosity be YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE, and I will fill you to overflowing with all the natural resources you need and an abundance left over to sow into the initiatives of the kingdom. Remember, THE GIVING COMES FIRST, then the abundance. Stop waiting for your “ship to come in.” That is also a lie. Do NOW with what you have, and I will open the windows of My provision and pour out a blessing you cannot contain.  Share the gospel with others. Tell them about My love in your life and how they can have a relationship with Me. When you take leadership over those in need, you follow in My footsteps. I am a God who loves and cares for all people, and I want you to do the same.

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