The Father Says Today: October 8th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that this is the hour that heaven begins to invade the earth. I said in My word that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of God and Christ. This is My purpose and this is My plan and it will not be condemned or overthrown. Though the heathen rage and skeptics mock know this beloved – that the sky isn’t falling the kingdom is coming. My kingdom is coming around you, My kingdom is coming to you, My kingdom is coming in you! So beloved, get ready for righteousness, peace and joy for that is what My kingdom consists of. Receive My righteousness and I will cause you to walk in a level of spiritual entitlement that will seem like mere fantasy. You will speak a word and I will see to it that your words do not fall to the ground. This is the blood bought entitlement that the suffering of Calvary paid for. You will call out to Me in your day of trouble and I will answer you. Answered prayer is why I bowed up on the tree says the Father. I am the ram caught in the thicket to salvage from your life highest hearts desire and greatest dream fulfilled.
This is the hour to come into the Ascension mentality like never before. Let this mind be in you which was also in Me when I walked the earth: taking on the form of a servant understanding that it is not robbery to know the equality that was purchased by the blood of the cross. You do not belong to the domain of darkness. You are a child, an entitled son and daughter of My kingdom – and of My kingdom, and the increase of My government there shall be no end in you, on you or around you. This is the inheritance you have walked into this day oh My beloved.

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