The Father Says Today: October 8th, 2012

The Father says when you pray with groanings that cannot be uttered you are praying according to My perfect will. You don’t have to have My full understanding in your mind to be able to pray out My perfect will in your life. Let the articulation of your spirit be verbalized in the languages that I give and you will unleash by your words a torrent that will flood the enemy’s trenches and drive him from the field of battle.
I have drawn you out from the contamination of the world and the culture around you says the Father. Now let Me wash you clean with My empowering presence. Let Me wash you within and without till you are only capable of thinking My thoughts and expression My sentiments. I am in you says the Father. I am on you and I am breaking out in your life on the right hand and on the left. Work with Me. Cooperate with Me. Give Me some cooperation and I will change your life on a scale you cannot fathom.
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  • I am just reading this prophetic message today…It is so spot on.That was what was going on with me yesterday.I thank God.He is so faithful