The Father Says Today: October 7th, 2012

The Father says today I am bringing fresh utterance to you today. Your prayers will change and your tongue will change. You won’t many times know with clarity the groaning of My Spirit within you but you will get to enjoy the end result. Angel’s tongues on your lips rout demonic influences says the Father. Why do you think the enemy has brought such religious prejudice against My gifts? He knows their expression arms and protects you so He surrounds the very idea with mockery and pride to keep you in his clutches.
Open your mouth wide says the Father and I will fill it. I will make intercession for you with groanings that cannot be uttered. I will birth a breakthrough in you from within says the Father and the gates of hell will hold you shuttered no longer! It is your DAY says the Father and it is your HOUR says the Father and I will bring forth captivity captive and rend the prey and take the spoil and COME DOWN and deliver you from EVERY ADVERSITY!!
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  • This happened to me today…I was praying in tongues and it was definitely a new sound. I am looking forward to what God is doing!