The Father Says Today: October 4th, 2023

The Father says today, never step out of love. Make it your determination to live the love life in every situation, circumstance, and interaction. Why? Because you won’t get disappointed, hurt or mistreated? Those things happen because you live among a fallen race in a fallen environment where sin mars everything outside of Christ. I see that and the scars and wounds, even the open wounds you carry. Remember that love NEVER fails. Why would you step out of love, ever step out of love, when a step out of love is a step into sure and certain failure? Just keep loving. Love is not just what I do; it is who I am. When man fell, love was the only response I was capable of. When you fail and disappoint My holiness, love is the only response I am capable of. Others point out severity and consequences, but isn’t it interesting that these things only seem fitting for OTHERS and not for those who make these judgments? For some, something is wrong with their world unless they see others suffering what they consider consequences for sin or some other misstep. Avoid these. Don’t listen to their words or their counsel or be dismayed by their slanders. I am with you. My forgiveness is cleansing and washing you. I am taking you from loneliness and isolation to the fulfillment of My every promise. Make it your determination to lay hold on My faithfulness and with tenacious faith never to let go until you come into your blessing place. 

It is true in this world that brokenheartedness is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. The end of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, or another deep disappointment it can feel like your whole world is ending. That may be, and it might even happen, but I am the God of resurrection and the God of the second chance. I will take the ashes of disappointment and mourning and bring forth joy, beauty, and radical shift into your happy place by My determinate hand! Know that you are not alone. I see your pain, and I care deeply about you. I know exactly what you are going through, and He wants to help you heal. So rather than despair and torment of spirit, make a choice to  Give yourself time to grieve. It is important to allow yourself to feel your emotions, even the negative ones. Don’t try to bottle them up or pretend that you are not hurting. Talk to those I send into your life for consolation. You trust the comforter and counselor at hand in your situation that I sent you. Tell them what you are going through. Talking about your pain can help you process it and move on.  Lean on Me for strength and support. I am your loving Father, and I want to help you heal. Spend time in prayer and reading the Bible. Allow I Word to comfort and encourage you. Trust that I have a good plan for your life. Even though you may not be able to see it right now, I am working everything together for your good. I know what is best for you, and I will lead you through this difficult time.

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