The Father Says Today: October 4th, 2012

The Father says today that the pains that have taken you in life are not death throes they are birth pangs. I am birthing a deliverance in you. Don’t abort the process. Don’t opt out of the process by which I am bringing to you a liberty that your heart cries out for. You long to know My limitlessness and the freedom lived in service to My purposes. I will bring you to that tableau says the Father but you must trust Me for the process.
In all the miracles and supernatural deliverances by My hand there is always the sure and certain component of patient and calm endurance. If you must complain make your complaint to Me says the Father. Cry out to Me for I refuse to be offended. You can’t say anything to Me that would cause Me to turn My face from you. The wisest sages and deepest mystics of the ages scalded their throats with imprecation and complaint and I loved them through it all and brought them away from themselves into ascension in Me. I don’t love them more neither do I love you less. An honest and open heart that is naked before Me will never be disdained at My courts says the Father.
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  • Jackline says:

    Papa is talking to me, he knows what I’m going through. Papa has given me the strength to persevere, persist. Papa has not left me alone. Thank-you PAPA for being a Father in my life. Thank-you for never letting me go. Thank-you Papa for loving and never judging me. PAPA thank-you. PAPA THANK-YOU FOR EVERYTHING.
    I LOVE YOU 😀 mmmmmmmmmwah