The Father Says Today: October 3rd, 2012

The Father says today that your will however strong will not impede My purposes in your life. Though you struggle and waver understand this: I act in your life on the basis of covenant and sentiments you prayed out with Me years ago. You said I was Lord of your life… you SAID you were not your own but you were bought with a price. You said “whatever you want with My life Lord … it is yours….”
I took those prayers seriously says the Father and every other expression of frustration in your life I consider just to be a momentary lapse. I will NOT relinquish My hold on your life. There are times you don’t understand and you are asking for clarity. Here is understanding: Every action and movement I make in your regard is in acknowledgement of the prayer your prayed when you surrendered your life to Me. When you do not see and do not understand what is going on let your mind and heart reference that commitment on your part as the benchmark for all My dealings in your life.
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  • YES!!!!! Amen! thank You Lord, I was so concerned about having messed it all up, about having spoiled your perfect plan for me because of my stubborness!!! (just like Moises did)…. but THANK YOU, thanks for caring so much for and about me that you take the time and actions to discipline me and bring me back into your ways… keep doing so, even if I don’t understand, even if I complain, I am yours, I have an Owner, a Master… no, I am not my own boss…. Thank You Dad!!…. I felt like Jonah last summer when at the airport You stopped me from going somewhere I didn’t ask You permission to go because I knew You might said “no” and though frustrated I felt so loved by You for being there, so close to me and taking the control of my life, forgive me Father for trying to do things on my own, I do not want to do anything that is not your will, your plans are better than mine, I know for sure, hold onto them Father! despite of me… luv u Dad, luv u so much, You have touched my heart with this Word 🙂