The Father Says Today: October 31st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I am completing My work of grace in your life. There is ahead for you the season of the finishing anointing – a shift where you will not only know Me as Alpha but you will know Me by My name Omega – the one who FINISHES as well as AUTHORS in your life. You see, says the Father there is more to life in the kingdom than endless process with no outcome. In My eternal now process and outcome exist in the same space just as the plowman overtakes the reaper. When your heart is postured before Me in humility and transparency, I make all things new and restore to you even the years that time and happenstance have robbed from your personal narrative.
So step into the fullness of My now this day says the Father. Wrap your arms around highest heart’s desire and launch out into the deeps of My now. I will cause those fleeting dreams to be deposited at your feet as manifest reality when you surrender and yield to Me in full measure. When you anchor yourself in who I AM in your life forsaking all others, then you will discover and know with assurance the Yes and Amen of My promise in your life. When you yield yourself, your plans and your purposes to Me, there can be no other outcome.

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