The Father Says Today: October 31st, 2012

The Father says today that I have an invitation for you. I am inviting you the “Abba Father experience.” I would that you know Me not just as Lord and God but as DADDY FATHER. Isn’t it time you stopped addressing Me by religious titles? I didn’t go to the cross to bring about or establish such formalities. I came to establish intimacies not formalities says the Father. I don’t put letters after My name or require vain acknowledgements.
There is no blasphemy in intimacy says the Father. No longer will I speak to you in the hushed tones of false reverence. I will speak to you in My native voice without pretense or obfuscation. I have a table spread says the Father. I beckon you to deeper intimacy with Me. Religion is a mere condiment on that table not a main course. Religion is just a place setting. Don’t be distracted by the accouterments of religion. Drink deeply of the vintage of My Spirit and partake heartily of the bread that I have broken for you there. There is the healing you asked for and the provision you need. There is the solace for your soul that you have found in no other resource. There I AM says the Father and there I have ordained that you partake of Me and I partake of you in a feast of love and faithfulness and fidelity.
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