The Father Says Today – October 2nd, 2024

The Father says today, I am bringing you into a place of ease and lightness. The burdens you once carried, the anxieties that weighed you down—these are no longer yours to bear. Remember the words of Jeremiah, who prophesied a time when people would no longer speak of the ‘burden of the Lord.’ That time is now. I have carried the burden. I have completed the work. All that was needed to be accomplished in your life and in the world, I have finished. So today, step into the rest I have prepared for you. This is not the rest of inactivity or complacency. It is not a state of lethargy or idleness. The rest I offer is one of ascension—a lifting up into the place I have ordained for you at My right hand, a place of eternal security and fellowship. This rest is an invitation to live in an atmosphere of ascension and authority. It is a call to see the world from My perspective, not through the limited lens of earthly understanding. From this vantage point, your worries will fade, your perspective will shift, and you will gain clarity about the path ahead. You will know the end from the beginning, and you will walk confidently into the destiny I have chosen for you. This transition into rest and ascension is not merely a future hope; it is a present reality. The burdens you once carried have been lifted. The struggles you once faced have been conquered. The anxieties that once plagued you have been dispelled. You are no longer defined by your past or limited by your circumstances. You are free to live in the fullness of My grace and power. This new season of rest and ascension is a time of profound transformation. It is a time to let go of the old and embrace the new. It is a time to shed the limitations of your past and step into the fullness of your potential. It is a time to release the burdens you were never meant to carry and receive the freedom I have purchased for you. In this season of rest and ascension, I will equip you with everything you need to fulfill My purpose for your life. I will give you wisdom and discernment. I will grant you strength and courage. I will surround you with My love and grace. You will lack nothing. You will want for nothing. You will be fully equipped to walk in the destiny I have prepared for you. So do not hesitate. Do not doubt. Do not fear. Step boldly into this new season of rest and ascension. Embrace the freedom I have given you.

Receive the blessings I have poured out upon you. Live in the fullness of My grace and power. The world may tell you that rest is a sign of weakness or laziness. But I tell you that rest is a sign of strength and trust. It is a recognition that I am in control, that I am working all things together for your good, and that you can rest securely in My love and faithfulness. The world may also tell you that ascension is a distant goal or an impossible dream. But I tell you that ascension is your birthright as My child. It is the natural outworking of your relationship with Me. It is the inevitable consequence of living in My presence and walking in My ways. So do not be conformed to the patterns of this world. Do not let the world dictate your pace or define your priorities. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Let My Word shape your thoughts and guide your actions. Let My Spirit fill you with My love and power. As you do, you will experience the true meaning of rest and ascension. You will discover the joy of living in My presence and walking in My ways. You will fulfill the destiny I have prepared for you, and you will bring glory to My name. This is My promise to you today. This is My word of encouragement and comfort. So receive it with an open heart and a willing spirit. Let it sink deep into your soul. Let it transform your life from the inside out. And as you do, remember that I am with you always, even to the end of the age. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will guide you and protect you. I will provide for you and sustain you. I will love you and bless you. So trust in Me. Rely on Me. Lean on Me. And I will lead you into the fullness of My rest and ascension. I will cause you to flourish and thrive. I will make your life a testimony to My grace and power. This is My word to you today. Receive it and be blessed.

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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