The Father Says Today: October 29th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I will make an end. I will make an end to waiting and an end to wondering. You have held out for My promise a very long time beloved but there shall be time no longer. I am accelerating you into a sooner-not-later outcome. So fasten your seat belt because you are now moving forward in My purposes at a new velocity. I will hasten My work to perform it and I will even do a new thing that will cause every ear to tingle that hears of it. There will be speculation and astoundment when other’s hear of just what I have done in your life. Some will be offended because they think they are entitled to your blessing. Just love them and do not respond to their accusations.
I am moving in your life to do a new thing. Are you ready for new says the Father? Are you ready for unprecedented? You have thrown that word around occasionally but trust Me you have never conceived in your mind the lengths I am now moving to bring about My goodness in your life. The time for pretense and gesturing are at an end. You are about to be fully occupied with “pressed down and shaken together running over”. So retool your thinking and be a vessel emptied out. If you empty not yourself out there will be no greater harvest. Make yourself available says the Father for the bounty is at hand as you trust and act and radically expect in word, deed and thought what I have promised you for so long.

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  • Piper Henry says:

    Awesome word.. I receive your word my God in my life and over my life.. I receive your over flowing blessing.. Yes .. Yes amen

  • Thank you Prophet for these beautiful words. I anticipate, the inevitable, supernatural, intervention of God. Blessed Savior, I am ready to receive every good gift from above. I know sometimes, our blessings are delayed because we are not yet mature enough to take possession. Thank you Jesus in advance, for all that you are getting ready to unleash. We adore you, worship you and magnify your name, for there is NONE GREATER THAN YOU.
    Bless and keep Prophet Russ and Kitty and give them their heart’s desires, because they give so much to others.


    Oh my God, you’re Speaking to me, Yes you are,for it is I which have held on so long many many years long ago waiting, and waiting, trusting, believing, standing in Faith, for the fulfillment all to come, the ache within my heart, the birthing is now, now about to give birth to All you have spoken to come forth now to me in this new
    season of my life, for I declare it and decree it before 2015 is over, it shall come forth. I will give birth in this year 2015, and it shall not return to me void. Yes the bounty is at hand, and i receive it NOW !! with thanks
    giving. thank you ever so much for your faithfulness to me n this hour, for I knew it would come, confirmation, after confirmation, after confirmation, I await in expectation, suddenly, fully aware, this is my st time for blessings. Amen and Amen Wow!