The Father Says Today: October 28th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today the enemy has run a game on you. He told you that your better days are over and in part you have believed it. Your better days are not over – your better days are ahead. You haven’t seen anything yet. You have time. You don’t think you have time but you have time. I have told you and told you and told you that I am in charge even of time and eternity. Your days are in My hand. Every appointment of your life is in My calendar even your appointment with death. Guess what says the Father – I am a good scheduler. I can cancel your appointment because I am God and I can do anything I want anytime I want and I don’t have to check with anyone.
Can you take yes for an answer? Can you accept NOW as the hour appointed? Rejoice says the Father things are going to get better. Things are going to improve. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop. I made both the shoe and the drop and your days are in My hand. I am working in your life both to will and to do My good pleasure. Because I will not be denied you will not be denied. Get over the worry and the anxiety of “one day – some day” for of all the troubles you have borrowed most of them have never happened. Relax and trust and rest in Me says your God for I am working radically in your life today.

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