The Father Says Today: October 26th, 2020

The Father says today, I have heard the slander of the enemy against you, and I am moving to occupy them elsewhere far beyond your borders and your boundaries. Their criminal acts and the blows aimed at you fell upon Me 2000 years ago, beloved. I was rejected so that you could be accepted. I was wounded in the house of My friends that I might set the solitary in families and anchor you in your tribe. In the deepest part of your being, I conceived you not of the earth but of the heavenly substance, even the incorruptible seed. You are not limited by the restrictions of your earthly birth or station in life, for I have set you in the heavens, seated in Me far above all principality and power.

Men’s loving-kindness is a cruel thing, and their pity is as cold as the grave. Cursed be he who trusts in man or makes the arm of flesh his strength. The unruly horde set their traps in secret, thinking no one will stop them, but I have heard your cry. The response of heaven is resounding to your bitter complaint. The unholy alliance and their ill-conceived plans they have muttered against you in their hatred will only define their own end, for I have loosed My arrows against them and embarrassed them in their own land. This day your captivity is broken. Like a bird, you are released from the snare of the fowler to rejoice and celebrate in the safe place I have prepared for you that you might be engulfed in My presence, even in the face of your enemy, says God.

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  • Pauline says:

    Thank you heavenly father Yahuveh for I have been a orphan for too long. Love your long lost daughter Isreal.

  • Thank you Lord. Your word stands true to the end. I am free and free to praise, celebrate and honour you my creator, redeemer, provider and protector🙏

  • This word is timely spoken first time such as this I am the worst of all sinners but my Lord protect me and Shields me in the shadow of his wings is my stay and I rejoice in him thank you King Jesus glory honor and praise to you

  • Thank You Lord. It’s been a long wait for me to help me in this situation. I really need Your Spirit/Hand to move. Thank You for hearing my prayers. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.