The Father Says Today: October 25th, 2020

The Father says today, I have separated you for the work of My kingdom. Elisha is not the only person to pick up a mantle fallen down from heaven upon his shoulders. There is a mantle and a calling upon you, and this day, I call you up to your higher destiny. Old things are passed away. All things have become new. Your life is not just some random casualty of a biological outcome, My beloved. I called you before you were in your mother’s womb. In the hall of unrealized souls, when the sons of God sang for joy, I brought you out and established your sitting down and your going out and the times and days of your sojourn upon the earth. Your life counts for something. There is a ministry portion on your life recognized in heaven and now to be established on the earth. Don’t be confused or misled by those who look through you like you don’t exist or that you don’t matter in the larger scheme of things.

I’ve called you, says the Father, and I’ve anointed you. I’ve put My words in your mouth that you might go out and speak My word. From your father’s loins, I called your name. At the moment of your birth, I opened the book of your days, and this day, a new chapter begins. The page is turned on the things of the past, so don’t look back. Don’t look back to the things behind you but look to the things that are ahead. Don’t hem yourself in with preconceived ideas about what you should be doing or what others think your obligations are. This day I break off of you the illegitimate authorities with their illegitimate responsibilities and illegitimate words that they have spoken over you. You are free. You are now set at liberty to serve Me, so open your eyes and see, verily see your destiny come to fulfillment, even this day.

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  • Yes, thank You Lord for new beginnings. Please order my steps according to Your word I need Your help. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  • Waoo, what more can I ask for my Lord except to say ,’Thank you’. This word answers my daily prayers. I am a vessel in the hands of a mighty porter. Only your will be done Lord….Amen!