The Father Says Today: October 23rd, 2015

The Father says today that I am drawing you from the breast and weaning you from the milk of immaturity. This is the point says the Father that I say “come up higher”. That doesn’t make you better than your peers but it does make you more accountable. Are you willing to become accountable for who I am in your life? Are you prepared to close the gap of contradiction between My promise and your experience? To whom much is given much is required says the Father. I am prepared to give much. I am prepared to cause you to partake of My muchness but there is going to have to be a growing up in your mind and in your heart. This is the price of making your feet like hind’s feet on high places. No more grumbling in the lean times. No more pushing the panic button if you can’t see what I am doing in the situation. This is the hour and the moment that I require you to compose yourself in Me even when you can’t see the outcome.
Do you trust Me says the Father? Then let Me take it from here. Lean wholly upon Me and sink down deep into My mind and My thoughts even when your natural mind is spinning and completely not comprehended those things that I am doing in your life. You have cried out to Me for more and this is the accountability that “MORE” comes wrapped up in. I call you up this day to the maturity of sons. I call you up this day to settle with finality that you are My beloved. I am yours and you are Mine. Your life is not your own. Your thoughts are not your own. You have given Me title deed even to that part of yourself that no one knows or sees. In that relinquishing is your rest. In that relinquishing is your victory. This is the sign of the cross in your life – go in this sign and conquer says your Father!

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