The Father Says Today: October 22nd, 2020

The Father says today, I’ve heard you in a time appointed. Though My presence may seem far away, know that your faith is registering strongly in My immediate presence right now. You may feel feeble and overwhelmed but know that who I am on the inside of you is a present reality putting down all rule, and every principality ranged against you. You may feel like you are in a prison of pain and impoverishment, but I am your paradise of protection even when you are surrounded by disappointment and heartache. My wrap-around presence engulfs you in My glory, and because of that glory, every need you have is spontaneously met in response to your faith-filled prayer.

Receive this day the richness of the vaults of heaven, for they are laid up in store for you. I have accorded you this day the privileges of royalty, for you are a king and a priest authorized to tread My courts at will. When the tide of unrest and suffering seems inescapable, I will pour out upon you in a moment of time, eons, decades of stored up blessing and favor to put you over and bring you to release from every snare of the enemy. Though you make your bed in hell, know that joy comes in the morning. Though weeping endures for the night, keep your mind stayed on the fact that I am the Daystar arising to dispel the clouds of doubt and bring you into your safe haven, and that right quickly, says your God.


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  • A Reed says:

    Hallelujah. To God be the Glory. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  • Alexander Sekabe says:

    Amen. Thanks for all encouragement I had received from you. Whenever I am perplexed I go to your website. May God bless you and your wife and family. May you receive more revelations from Jehovah.
    Bye and may God bless.