The Father Says Today: October 22nd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today, with endless love comes endless possibility. The opportunities you afford and allow in others define the boundaries that are set for your own potential. Be willing not to disqualify or exclude others from My goodness says the Father. Be willing to see others receive their breakthrough even though your own need may feel much more urgent. This is the path of the ascended mentality. Think within the parameters of Love for Love is who I AM. When you choose to love, you bring Me into your circumstance and the circumstances of others. By your love you will open the prison house for those that are suffering – even those who have offended and abused you. When you fail in this area you are forsaking your own mercy.
When I look at you says the Father, I see the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. When you look at others choose to see not their failures or shortcomings. Choose to see in them what I see in you. This is more than a religious, altruistic exercise. This is the key to your blessing. I turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends. Who have you prayed for lately? Those who misunderstand you? Those who accuse and malign you? Those who neglect and overlook you when you are hurting? This is the LOVE THING says the Father and the LOVE THING will put you over when nothing else will. This is who I AM. This is WHAT I DO. Let THIS LOVE be in you and it will make you so that you will never fail oh My beloved.

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