The Father Says Today: October 21st, 2023

The  Father says today, your standing in My kingdom is not based on your worth or holiness but on WHO I AM and WHAT I did for you 2000 YEARS AGO! I am Jehovah-Tsidkenu, your righteousness. I am not acting in your life because of who you are or what you have done. My righteousness alone validates My purpose to move in your life, putting over the top as you humble yourself in heart, mind, and action, conforming to My word and My will insofar as you understand it. I am not waiting for you to be perfect before I bless you. I am not waiting for you to clean up your act before I move in your life. I am not waiting for you to become someone else before I show you, My love. I am moving in your life today because I am your righteousness. I am your validation. I am your purpose. I know that you struggle with sin and failure. I know that you feel discouraged and unworthy. But I want you to know that My love for you is unconditional. My righteousness is not based on your performance. It is based on My own perfect character working in you against every aspect of your personality that does not originate in My divine character. Receive it. Receive My imputed righteousness that you might enter into a new dimension of experience and life in My kingdom.

Prophet Russ – I Receive Forgiveness, Righteousness, and Empowerment from Heaven – Today!

You are clothed in a new robe of purity and perfection when you receive My righteousness. Your sins are forgiven, your past is erased, and you are made new. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. And because you are clothed in My righteousness, you are now qualified to receive all of the blessings I have in store for you. You are qualified to be healed, to be prosperous, to be successful, and to be used by Me in mighty ways. So don’t try to earn My favor or My blessings. Just receive My righteousness as a free gift. And then step out in faith, knowing that I am with you and will help you accomplish everything that I have called you to do. Cultivate the Christ mind. Condition yourself to respond in every situation in the manner that I myself would respond if I were in the same circumstance because I am, for I am on the inside of you living out and working out your human experience as you are endowed and clothed in the divinity of My nature that makes you clean, eligible, and victorious no matter what!  Meditate on the Scriptures that talk about My righteousness.  Confess your sins and receive forgiveness. I do forgive you. When you sin, don’t try to hide it or to beat yourself up about it. Just confess it to Me and receive My forgiveness. Remember that your righteousness is not based on your own good works but on Jesus’ finished work on the cross. I am Jehovah-Tsidkenu, your righteousness. I love you unconditionally, and I am with you always. Step out in faith today, knowing that I am with you and will help you accomplish everything I have called you to do.

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  • Moira Shole says:

    Thank you Father I would never be able to stand on my own, it is all because of Your grace and righteousness. I give You all the praise and Honor.