The Father Says Today: October 21st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that My promises are timeless in your life. There is no expiration date on My goodness. You have not passed up your opportunity, there is still time, because I am the God of time and happenstance. Because I have time says the Father, you have time. You are not running out of time because I cause you in My kingdom to walk in fullness of time. Every step forward is a step into My timeless bounty says the Father. Relax. Breath. Refuse to hurry. Refuse the lie that there is no more time. I am with you. As I made the sun dial go backward so I can turn back the clock in your situation and cause you to be on time, on target and on budget in every area of your need.
Keep trusting says the Father for you are walking in My kairos timing. There will come new confirmations even this day of former promises that you thought perhaps had gone stale. My Spirit does not ever go stale, therefore the words breathed by My Spirit never moulder or cease to give life and blessing. Dust off those words says the Father. Even those promises from years gone by and I will breathe new life and new possibility into them and cause the words of former days gone by to become life and breath for you now in your current situation. It’s OK says the Father – you have My permission. I give you leave to lay hold again on every promise I have given you and expect it to produce and be viable toward breakthrough and blessing even this day.

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