The Father Says Today: October 20th, 2023

The Father says today that you are a sojourner. No matter how anchored you may feel in life, always remember that I am your dwelling place. I am even your dwelling place amid upheaval. I am your security even when life’s permanence is questioned. When the people, circumstances, and things that you have relied on are all gone by the wayside – know this, beloved, that I am your firm foundation. I am the rock that you can run to and lean on when all else falters and fails. This is your trust, and this is the Cornerstone of all your life and life’s experiences. In nothing will you be dismayed. You will never have to look back in regret, for I am taking you from glory to glory and from the tents of transition to the permanence of My Temple – which Temple YOU are.

In that regard, then – be beautified. I live on streets of gold and sit on a throne of emerald. There are gates of pearl and not gates of brass in My city. You are that habitation, and you are that city. The builder and maker of the environment where you dwell is your God, not man. When a man attempts to threaten or manipulate you – realize this: men come and go. Leaders and decision-makers change with the wind by the sovereignty of My hand. It is what I say and what I have promised you that determines what happens next. Transition, then, is not something to be feared. You need not fear the unknown because I am your shield and your defense in the known and the unknown parts of the thing you are moving through even now. Trust in the framework of My strength. Hide yourself in the Strong Tower of My name. Recline and be at rest, for all is proceeding according to My good plan for your life.

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