The Father Says Today: October 20th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that change is at hand. Change is necessary for maturity and I am maturing you into the full measure of the stature of Christ. I will not relent or turn back until your life and character is a full and faithful reflection of who I am in the earth and who I am at the right hand of majesty on High. Be encouraged says the Father – be encouraged and realize that I know the pressure you have been under. In My earthwalk I was tempted and tried and I struggled even as you are struggling right now. I am touched with the feeling of your infirmity. When you weep I taste the salt of your tears. Trust Me. Let Me take matters into My hands for My hands are so far more capable than anything you can do to fix the problem.
Embrace the changes I am bringing says the Father. Say in your soul “change is not harmful – change is beneficial…” The Spirit of Wisdom is being poured out upon you to bring final maturing scheduled for you during this time. The pressure is going and the kingdom is coming. I say to you THE PRESSURE IS GOING and the KINGDOM is COMING. This is your exit point as you draw yourself away with Me until My image is not just the reflection others see in you but you also see My character and grace and love reflected in your own life.

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