The Father Says Today: October 1st, 2023

The Father says today, “Don’t let the storms of life distract you from My purpose. Don’t listen to the voices of doubt and fear. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will guide you through the darkness and confusion. I am giving you a seer’s anointing to see through the murk and mire of the situation and come out on the other side victorious. You will make choices that may not make sense to others, but you will be led by the Spirit, who will clear the fog of uncertainty and bring you forward to new territory. So get a pen and paper and write down the vision. Write down what you see and what I show you. Write down the things I have spoken to you in the past, what I am speaking to you now, and the instructions you will receive in the morning. Then, walk it out, and you will see that it comes to pass. I will speak to you in symbols and metaphors, and even in plain language at times so that you will know what to do tomorrow and what is coming before the day dawns. I will lead you on the shortest path to My blessing as you obey.

As you move forward, you will break forth into the kingdom of My righteousness, joy, and peace. This is your manifest portion, beloved. This is what it means to seek the kingdom first. This is the new beginning and the new direction that you have asked Me for. It is here, even now, waiting for you to step into it.” One of the most important things you can do is write down the vision I give you. This will help you to stay focused on My plan for your life, even when the storms of life come. What do you see for your future? What have I spoken to you about in the past, present, and future? Are you following the instructions that I give you for each day? Once you have written down the vision, keep it in a place where you will see it often. This will help you to stay on track and to remember what I am calling you to do. Once you have written down the vision, it is important to walk it out. This means taking action on the things that God has shown you and spoken to you about.  As you walk out the vision, it is important to trust that I am faithful. I will unfailingly bring My promises to pass in your life.

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