The Father Says Today: October 1st, 2020

The Father says today, My blessing in your life is measured by the Cross, not by your track record. You have run into the high tower of My name. The blood is upon your doorpost. When you cry out to Me, the predicating factor that determines a positive answer where you are concerned is not based on anything you have or have not done. I’m not checking to see how spiritual you are or how hard you’ve been working for My kingdom. When I look at you, I choose to see the Lamb seated on the throne of your heart and nothing else. Receive that mercy today. Cease from your own labors and enter into My rest. You have nothing to prove, and there is nothing you can earn from Me that Calvary hasn’t already provided.

Trust in the finished work of redemption, says the Father. I see your heart, and I know your struggle. When sin surfaces in your character, understand that the answer is running to and not away from Me. Cease trying to earn your way out of punishment or disqualification. Sin is a symptom. It symptomizes a need to press into My presence. I have ordained that you grow up into the full measure of the stature of Christ in your life, your person, and your character. When contradictions to My nature show up in your responses to the people around you, make a choice to retreat to My presence. Look full in My face. When you see Me, you will be changed into My likeness, and the chains of sin and transgression will lose their hold. This is the inward path and the way that leads to life. Make it yours today, and you will experience all that the Cross affords and that right quickly.

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  • A Reed says:

    Yes, Lord. Create a clear heart and renew a right spirit in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.