The Father Says Today: October 19th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today buy the truth and sell it not. Make purchase in your soul of the truths and the revelation from My word that causes you to be in the earth as I am in the heavens. This day I remove from you the curse of poverty that has lingered in your life and in your thinking. You are not the accursed for I became a curse for you upon the tree. Poverty is not your portion for I became poor so that you can be rich. My truth and My knowledge gives all things that pertain unto life AND godliness – so I didn’t leave anything out, not even your bank balance. I didn’t leave anything out – not even your health coverage.
Are you ready for an upgrade says the Father? The health coverage of heaven is covering you today. I am indemnifying you for good health and renewed vitality. The deductibles were all satisfied 2000 years ago upon the cross. Calvary’s best is being poured out upon you in full measure. No more sorrow. No more weakness. No more lack. Rejoice says the Father for this day I pour Myself out upon you in fresh substance, manifestation and fullness for I delight to deliver you this day from every assault of the enemy.

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