The Father Says Today: October 18th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I am gathering you up into the bosom of My goodness. I am so full of goodness, and peace, and gladness, Beloved. I am not sitting on the throne wringing My hands – worried about the next calamity to be visited upon the earth. I am not worried therefore you need not be worried for you are in Me and I am in you. If I ever GET WORRIED says the Father I will let you know! In the meantime take a breath, look up to heaven and give thanks for I am releasing peace to you at this moment. My peace I give you! My peace I leave with you. When sorrows come and tension mounts just say “excuse me! I will be right back!” Then dash into My peace and I will fill you and flood you with My presence until nothing shall be any means disturb or disquiet you.
Whatsoever things are good, pure, perfect or of good report THINK ON THESE THINGS! Put everything else in the shredder says the Father because I am on task in your troubles and on target against the assault of the enemy. Never again says the Father will the enemy be able to cause you to lose your peace. Never again will your composure falter under fire because you will hear My voice within you saying “I am in you – I AM doing the works that need to be worked in your behalf…” So have a great day says the Father! Go out and have a GOD day and just laugh at the lies of the enemy for I am your resource and your benefactor in every area of need that you have today.

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