The Father Says Today: October 17th, 2023

The  Father says today I am your Rock of Unshakeable Stability all around you even though you live in a time of great uncertainty and fear. The world seems chaotic, and knowing (from a natural perspective) what to do or where to turn can be difficult for your finite mind to grasp. Fortunately, you are not limited, Beloved, to the finite mind of man, for I have given you the Mind of Christ down on the inside, who is constantly analyzing (by the Spirit!), apprehending, instructing, arranging, and bringing out the highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled as though in a moment of time. Be encouraged to fear not. I love you more than you can imagine. I control everything, even when things seem out of control. I have a good plan for your life, the implementation and execution of which is currently underway.

Prophet Russ – God is My Rock of Unshakeable Stability – Today!

Whose report are you going to believe? Your eyes? Your ears? The endless contaminated stream of death-bearing words from the media? Or are you going to believe THE GOOD REPORT of the Gospel that SUPERCEDES all that man might think, plan, report, try, or scheme? From the perspective of My faithfulness, beloved –  war, violence, poverty, and injustice, none of these things change who I am in you and what I have planned for you. Things may look bleak on the world scene. They may look bleak indeed, even in your personal life, but remember that this is not the whole story. I’m still God, and I’m still working, and I can do anything I want, any time I want, and I don’t consult with anyone before I do, so move on your behalf, says the Redeemer!  I am your strength and your hope. I will never leave you or forsake you in the midst of the shaking of kingdoms, for My kingdom IN YOU and AROUND YOU rules OVERALL!

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