The Father Says Today: October 17th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today pick up the phone My beloved, for there is a blessing on the other end. No more letting calls go to voicemail or ignoring the knock at the door. No more being in dread when you open your mail box for a tsunami of My favor is breaking over your life. The enemy will be unable to outrun the deluge of My goodness that is sweeping away all darkness, depredation and shame. My blessing is coming upon you. My blessing is overtaking you. My blessing is saturating to the core every strata of your life until nothing is left to be known or found out but a further extension of My goodness.
This is who I am and what I do says the Father. Put your attention upon Me. Set your affections upon Me even as I said in My word. You are where your attention takes you. As you choose to have the ascension mentality you will find over and over My goodness breaking out in sudden blessing in your life. Is “sudden blessing” soon enough? Is “pressed down, shaken together, running over” adequate My beloved? Why would I exclude you? The blood that was shed on Calvary is an exclusive resource and I include you this day in all that heaven affords.

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