The Father Says Today: October 16th, 2023

The Father says today, an open heart constitutes an open heaven because I live in your heart. All of My power, all available grace, healing, and provision originates from My throne, and am I not enthroned upon your heart? I am not a far-off God but a God close as the breath of your nostrils, as close as your hands and feet. Turn over a stone, and I am there. Pick up a limb on the ground, and there I am. When you pray for Me to come, you are praying that My MANIFEST PRESENCE would show up in your situation because My AMBIENT PRESENCE is IN ALL PLACES AT ALL TIMES. When you pray and worship, you are drawing the eye of heaven, yes, the GAZE OF HEAVEN, upon your life and circumstance. When that happens, My autonomic response, like blinking the eye or breathing, or the beating of your heart – I will respond for all My promises are YES and AMEN to those that are called according to My purpose.

Opening the heart is more than willingness and trust toward heaven, says God. Unforgiveness causes the heavens to be brass over your head – UNNECESSARILY! Unbelief, strife, those things in your character that don’t originate in Me – – all of these cause the heavens to be iron and your prayers to fall at your feet, so repent! Forgive! Bless others who have harmed you! Bless and curse not, and then faith, love, and hope will reach CRITICAL MASS in your life and cause the DETONATION of My favor to explode over you and alter the entire trajectory of your life from downturn, tears, and disappointment to rejoicing in the dance, shouting the shout of faith and seeing those things I’ve promised, LONG PROMISED come to fruition IN A MOMENT OF TIME says, God!  These things don’t come easy says God, but the REWARD is INCALCULABLE. They have wronged you deeply; it will be difficult to forgive them. Do it, not for their sake, or only to be obedient to Me, but for your own sake, for otherwise you unnecessarily forsake your own mercy by not extending it to others! 

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