The Father Says Today: October 15th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that My hand is upon you for good and not for evil. My hand is not against you says the Father, for you are validated in the shed blood of Calvary. Your standing before Me is not determined by religious performance or expectation. Your standing before Me is found in your faith in an efficacy of the blood of Jesus to be applied in your behalf and bring needed change, relief and blessing. Say in your heart this day “I am validated to receive…” You are accepted in the beloved oh son and daughter. You are not disqualified in any way as you lean wholly with complete faith in the finished work of Calvary.
Say in your heart today “It is finished…” Everything else is just details. Everything else is just time and happenstance catching up with who you are in Christ and what I have done for you before the foundation of the world. You are validated to receive! You are validated in healing and blessing and provision. You are not disqualified! You are not rejected from My bounty! The storehouses of heaven stand open and available only waiting the occasion of your faith. Receive, oh My beloved and know it as your base state before Me because My default answer toward you is yes!

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