The Father Says Today: October 15th, 2012

The Father says today that the resurrection brought you to Me even as it brought the Son from the tomb. When I left the grave clothes behind they were not alone. In that tomb is every failure, every disappointment every shortcoming and besetting habit that would weigh you down and rob you of joy in My presence. Give up the TOMB MENTALITY says the Father and ascend to your place in Christ!
In the throne room there is a never ending drone of intercession and prayer in your behalf. Those prayers are effective and they are producing in your life. Cooperate with heaven’s sound for your name is wafting on the wind of the rarified atmosphere of the throne.
When My son died so also died every power and force that would hinder your joy and life and freedom in My presence. I am reproducing My life in you – that Throne Life and Resurrection Life that puts you over and brings you to conformity to My image and character says the Father.

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