The Father Says Today: October 14th, 2023

Trust Me, Says the Father

The Father says today your prayers do not require begging or pleading for the answer you seek was released before you ever parted your lips in petition. Groveling in religious agony has nothing to do with My motivation to address your need, and yea to even fill you with all the bounty that heaven affords with YOUR name on them! I am not a food stamp God. I never give you My least, I only give you My best, the gift, the outpouring that you cannot contain nor comprehend even after the blessing is manifest as substance against the yawning chasm of your need.  I know that you are facing some challenges right now. You are worried about your finances, your health, or your future. But I want you to know that I am with you, and I will provide for you.

Trust Me, says the Father. Let Me take it from here. I am the God of provisioning, and I will show Myself to be Jehovah-Jireh on your behalf. Trust is sometimes hard to trust, especially when things are difficult. But remember that I love you and have a good plan for your life. I will never leave you or forsake you. When doubt and lying circumstances are all you see, remember the faithfulness I’ve demonstrated in the past. If you didn’t even have a Bible, you could base your faith on the times and moments when I came through for you before you even asked moved in a mighty way. Have I ever failed you before? Then why would it be necessary to spend 30 minutes getting past your unbelief before I take you to the mountain of blessing and promotion that awaits that one pristine moment of trust that opens the aperture of reality and brings heaven to earth on your behalf? 

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Other Comments

  • I also saw the typo, but I realized it was supposed to say “you” instead of “I”. That particular sentence really spoke to my heart. Administration, you should put it back in with the correction.

  • Olevia Bethune says:

    Praise God Mr Walden corrected this oversight. God makes no mistakes but we as human due. It was an oversight and praise God Mr. Walden sent correction email

  • Hello Pamela…. of COURSE God doesn’t make mistakes… it’s a typo…fingers moving faster than the mind….. apologies

  • Sareeta says:

    Why does The Lord say “I know I have made mistakes “
    Can you explain please
    Thank you

    • Hello Pamela…. of COURSE God doesn’t make mistakes… it’s a typo…fingers moving faster than the mind….. apologies

  • Gerald Steve says:

    On the daily word for 10-14-2023 it says near the end “I know I have made mistakes but I am faithful to my promises.” Is this a typo? The God Thanks for clarification.

    • Hello Pamela…. of COURSE God doesn’t make mistakes… it’s a typo…fingers moving faster than the mind….. apologies

  • Hi Prophet Russ!
    First, thank you for blessing me with a daily post with the prophetic Word from the LORD! So many posts have resonated with me and have spoken to my spirit. Although, this evening’s post for 10/14/23 has me concerned. At the end of your prophetic Word from the LORD, you wrote, “I know I have made mistakes, but I have always been faithful to My promises.“
    God doesn’t make mistakes…was that a typo?
    Thank you again for your posts! ALL glory to God!

    • Hello Pamela…. of COURSE God doesn’t make mistakes… it’s a typo…fingers moving faster than the mind….. apologies