The Father Says Today: October 14th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today seek Me early and you will find Me. Come first before the throne of grace before the challenge comes. Pray before you get in trouble and trouble will not find you. My favor and My spirit on the inside of you will cause you to avoid out of the midst of the assault that the enemy has planned for you. Many times the Pharisees and leaders of the synagogues sought to take My life but could not lay hold on Me for I avoided out of their midst. Likewise I have released to you this day the “avoidance anointing” to frustrate the plans of the enemy and cause you to slip out of the snare of the enemy EVERY TIME he comes against you.
There are some that suggest failure or defeat somehow honor Me but know this – I have called you to fight the good fight of faith. Make it your determination to refuse to guild the losses of the past with some pathetic religious value. The good fight is the fight you win! We play till YOU win says the Father – so gird up your loins with My truth and establish yourself in My righteousness for I am working in your behalf both to will and to do My good pleasure.

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