The Father Says Today: October 13th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I so loved the world that I gave – let this mind be in you. I am a giver says the Father. Make it your decision from this day forward to likewise be a giver. You are called not simply to be a repository of the wealth of the earth but to be a conduit of the wealth of the earth to kingdom purpose. As you give and open your hand in abundance I will cause the boundaries of My goodness in My provision to be enlarged in your life beyond all your expectations. Money is like blood it must flow or death occurs. I have not called you to death I have called you to life and the nature of life is to give liberally and lavish your goodness upon all those around you.
So give lavishly and be obedient and the windows of heaven will be open to you. I will pour out upon you My overwhelming blessings of abundance. I will rebuke the devourer for your sake and cause Satan’s strategies to steal from you or hinder you to be rendered null and void. I so loved the world that I gave – let this mind be in you My beloved and I will cause you to be independent of this world system. You will operate in provision according to the economy of the kingdom and not the economy of man and you will be left standing when all others have failed and come up short.

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