The Father Says Today: October 13th, 2012

The Father says the enemy’s confidence to hurt you is laughable. If I am for you can any be against you? Come now says the Father where has the adversary been all your life? If he COULD have robbed you and destroyed you and taken your life he would have long ago. This makes you question his ability does it not?
I am for you and on your side. The cross of Calvary is the eternal expression of My partisanship toward you in every way. I am taking your part says the Father. The enemy’s strategies against you will meet with futility. He that dares to stand against you stands against Me. I will defend and protect and preserve you. My faithfulness is certain and My love is sure. You will see My hand for you have sought My face.
I can, I have, and I will continue to be the stalwart friend who comes through for you in every circumstance. Fear has no place in the life of the one whom I call friend. You are not JUST a servant or a SON you are My FOREVER FRIEND says the Father. As your friend you will find Me on hand at the right time and the right place in every situation. So fret not neither be concerned in any way for I will never let you down says your God.

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